40 Day Challenge Day #9 – Transformation

Everywhere that Jesus went He affected the surrounding atmosphere and the spiritual dynamic. Even when He didn’t do any signs, wonders or miracles to display His power, He still caused a shift by just turning up.
Luke 9:43 illustrates Jesus’ ability to shift the atmosphere, “Everyone was awestruck. They were stunned seeing the power and majesty of God flow through Jesus.”

Jesus released transformation!

Luke 8:46I felt power surge through me. Someone touched me to be healed. 

Luke 6:19 – The entire crowd eagerly tried to come near to Jesus so they could touch Him because a tangible supernatural power emanated from Him.

Matthew 8:29In the region of the Gadarenes, two demonised men confronted Jesus. The demons screamed at Jesus, Son of God, what do you want with us? Leave us alone!

Thermometer or Thermostat?

Does your presence create a shift in the atmosphere? If not, why might that be? Consider this, are you a thermometer or a thermostat?

1 John 4:13 says, “He has given us His Spirit within us so that we can have the assurance that He lives in us and we live in Him.”

Luke 11:13 –  “If imperfect parents know how to care for their children and give them what they need, how much more will the perfect heavenly Father give Holy Spirit fullness when His children ask Him.”

When we do the following, #1 – Know the supernatural presence of Holy Spirit in us, #2 – Have had a revelation of our sonship and authority, and #3 – Are walking in the destiny God has given us…then the presence of God in us will change atmospheres. It will also challenge demonic principalities and powers and facilitate the Kingdom of Heaven coming on earth.

If you find yourself in a situation that is ruled or influenced by ungodly power, will you run to escape it or stay to change it? Will you simply be a thermometer that reads the room or a thermostat that changes the prevailing climate?

Shifting Atmospheres

Shifting atmospheres is something extraordinary that we ordinary people can do! It’s not even what we say it is simply us showing up in the room, carrying God’s presence that will bring transformation. The presence of Jesus displaces all other inferior influences and releases transformation.

The pre-requisites above are necessary in order to ensure that we are agents of transformation in our environments. If what is emanating from us is any spirit other than Holy Spirit, there may be trouble ahead!

Have a conversation with Jesus and tell Him what you think and how you feel about this. Then ask Holy Spirit to bring you wisdom and revelation on how you can become a more effective agent of Kingdom transformation!

– Navigator Jo

Read also: Do You Beg God or Trust Him Fully?

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