Pastor Aaron Burke: ‘If You Want Peace In Your Life, Submit To God’

Radiant Church Pastor Aaron Burke told the church in his preaching: “If you want peace in your life, submit to God.”

The Arrival of Peace by Aaron Burke

In Pastor Aaron Burke’s message to the Radiant Church congregation last Christmas, he spoke about “The Arrival of Peace.”

Radiant Church. (Screenshot). (2023). Advent | Aaron Burke, Retrieved January 24, 2024 from:

During the initial segment of his message, Pastor Aaron emphasized that “Peace is a person, and His name is Jesus.” He underscored that the pathway out of chaos in one’s life is by surrendering to Jesus, the King of Contentment, as “everywhere Jesus goes, peace follows.”

Therefore, the pastor urged believers to consistently submit to God regardless of the circumstances. He also highlighted that the most conspicuous indicator that a Christian is not aligned with God’s will is the prevalent “lack of peace.” Whenever an aspect of one’s life is not under God’s authority, attaining peace becomes unattainable.

“My level of submission determines my level of peace,” he said.

Submit To God

However, Pastor Aaron clarified that being a Christian does not shield individuals from life’s challenges simply by having Jesus. Instead, even amidst life’s storms, Jesus will be there, providing a peace that surpasses all understanding.

It was written in Isaiah 26:3, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in You.”

Then the pastor confronted the church by asking them: “So, you date that ungodly person but you expected peace? You’re fooling yourself. You do money your own way, you’re not honoring God with your tithe, and you expect peace in your finances? You responded to a text message in anger but you expected peace in the relationship? You didn’t pray before making that major decision and you expected peace? You’re fooling yourself. You didn’t even take a Sabbath and God told you to. And you wonder ‘I just don’t have any peace.’ Because we’re fooling ourselves. Because we’re doing it our way instead of the Counselor’s way.”

Listen to the full message in the video below. May it help you find peace amidst the troubles you are facing today.

Reference | Radiant Church

Header Image: Radiant Church. (Screenshot). (2023). Advent | Aaron Burke, Retrieved January 24, 2024 from:

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