Former Arrested Drug Addict & Pro Football Player Now Preaches Jesus Christ

An arrested drug addict before is now a preacher of the Gospel that brought him hope and life.

Former arrested drug addict

Markus Mcfolling grew up being familiar with fatherlessness, poverty, and gangs. With his early life lacking, Markus found meaning in playing football. The sports gave him a sense of purpose and filled the void in his heart. His passion for football made him a pro player. But everything changed when he dislocated his shoulder. His injury eventually ended his career.

Losing the only thing that gave him hope was too much for Markus. And so, he got addicted to the pain medications that doctors prescribed him. His addiction gradually destroyed his relationship with his wife and daughter. In 2 years, he lied and used false identities to get the medicine he wanted.

Markus recalled, “After seeing 38 doctors for 59 prescriptions in just a few months, my wife left me and took my daughter with her.”

His family called the cops on him and on June 16, 2017, Markus went from being a pro football player to sitting in a prison cell. But God had bigger plans for Markus. One day, Markus surrendered everything to Jesus and gave his life to the Lord.

He shared, “I didn’t want my life anymore so I gave it to someone who did. It took me losing everything to realize that everything I ever needed was Jesus.”

Markus pled guilty to his charges. But the judge had mercy on him so he was sent to rehab.

“From that day on, Jesus transformed my life,” he said. “[He] called me Son, restored my family, and now I get to travel the country and tell people about the man I fell in love with and saved me from deception!”

Today, Markus grabs every opportunity to share Jesus. He would go to prisons to minister to inmates. In one correctional facility, Marcus led 75 inmates to Christ.


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