Russel Johnson Gives The Godly Perspective On Why He Practices ‘Tithing’

Forged Men's Ministries (screenshot). Pastor Russel Johnson (2024). Retrieved:

Forged Men’s Ministries explored the principle and godly perspective behind the practice of tithing.

Godly Perspective of Tithing

The Christian blog shared the biblical purpose of tithing. They wrote, “Tithing is an essential practice for Christians, rooted in the understanding that everything we have belongs to God.”

According to them, tithing is not a form of charity, but rather, an act of obedience and trust in the Lord. “By returning a portion of our income to the church, we acknowledge God’s sovereignty over all our possessions and demonstrate our trust in His provision.”

Then, they shared Pastor Russel Johnson’s video on why he practices tithing. He enumerated:

  1. It provides for God’s house.
  2. It tells God I trust Him.
  3. It creates a margin in my life for God to fill.
  4. It reminds me that I am not my source.
  5. It connects my money to a kingdom purpose.
  6. It gives my job eternal significance.
  7. It transforms my money into a seed.
  8. It breaks greed and self-reliance off of my heart.
  9. It lets everything else in my life know that God is first.

Pastor Russel Johnson

“Tithing is not an act of generosity,” Pastor Russel said. “It’s an act of obedience for I am indebted to God because of His radical generosity towards me. And the least that I can do is be obedient with that which He has so freely entrusted me with.”

The lead pastor of The Pursuit Church believes that God will never need the money of a person. “He [God] has streets paved with gold. He sits on a golden throne in front of a glassy sea. It is me who needs an open window of heaven over my life which is activated by my obedience and giving my first and best to God.”

Tithing, therefore, is a tangible way to put our faith and trust into action. It is honoring God with the best and first fruits of our labor.

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