Joe Dobbins Shares ‘3 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Switching Churches’

Joe Dobbins shared insightful wisdom regarding church hurt, highlighting three important questions Christians should contemplate before switching churches.

Church Hurt

Church hurt stands out as one of the most challenging issues that many churches face today. When not addressed in a Christlike manner, it can lead to adverse consequences for those involved, as well as the congregation at large. Given that the church serves as a sanctuary for sinners and the broken who seek the Savior, it becomes imperative to maintain the right perspective when addressing instances of church hurt. Joe Dobbins offered valuable insights on navigating this sensitive topic.

SYD KELL | Jesus & Motherhood [@syddkell]. Joe Dobbins Instagram, 22 May. 2024,

Do Not Rash

In his message, Joe stressed the importance of avoiding hasty decisions following experiences of hurt within one’s church community. He explained, “We make decisions that are based on allowing space for the Holy Spirit to speak to us. I believe that our movement should be based on assignment from the Lord, not on offense from people.”

The pastor urged the listeners not to leave the church solely because of conflict. Instead, he encouraged to “have a conversation.”


“When I leave in conflict, my heart leaves unsettled,” he said. “So, I’m going to a new location but the same old heart.”

Joe presented a second point for consideration: the possibility of significant changes within the church. When this was the case, he encouraged believers to ask questions instead of just leaving the church.

Lack of Confidence in Church Leadership

Additionally, Joe touched upon scenarios where Christians lack confidence in their church leadership. He recommended allowing time for the Holy Spirit to intervene, setting a specific timeframe during which one should invest effort and participate actively in church activities. Should doubts persist even after this period, Joe suggested viewing it as a potential sign from God to embark on a new direction.

“We’re not going to hang back and seat in judgment,” he explained. “We’re going to serve, we’re going to worship, we’re going to encourage, we’re going to be a part of the church. And then at the end of that timetable, if we still feel lack of confidence and unsettledness, maybe the Holy Spirit speaking to us because He wants to move us into a new place. If I know that, I can go to the next place with peace and with the blessing of God on my life.”

Reference | Instagram – SYD KELL | Jesus & Motherhood

Header Image: SYD KELL | Jesus & Motherhood [@syddkell]. Joe Dobbins Instagram, 22 May. 2024,

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