Prayer Meetings Should Learn This From The Early Churches

Bible scholar and pastor Nate Bramsen confronted today’s prayer meetings ‘ way of prayer. He said, “Today’s prayer meetings are unlike the early church.” What is the big difference that made Nate say so?

Peter and John

Nate referred to the story of Peter and John in Acts 3 and 4 to prove his point. He narrated how Peter and John passionately preached the name of Jesus despite the persecution and rejection.

He said, “Peter and John. Now God uses them to see a lame man miraculously healed. But then, with all boldness they gave the credit to Jesus Christ. Of course, this inflames the authorities. So they get arrested and spend the night in a cell. The next day, they’re put on trial and they’re asked, ‘By what power or by what name did you do this? Of course, they preach Jesus again and then they add the punctuation, ‘By the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead. By Him, this man is standing before you well.'”

Nate continued the story. “Of course, there’s no case against them, so they release the guys under one condition: Don’t speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. Of course, the apostles are like, ‘Um, we cannot but speak of what we’ve seen and heard.'”

Prayer Meetings

So, what did the apostles do and pray?

The Bible teacher explained, “They did not go back and pray for the authorities to be taken out. They don’t pray for justice or even for a peaceful future for Peter and John. They don’t even pray for their problems to go away.”

But they asked God in Acts 4:29-30, “Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

Peter and John were more concerned with preaching the name of Jesus than their convenience and comfort.

“Are our prayer meetings today filled with praying away our trials and do we pray for boldness and courage to face them?”

Nate exhorted that the problems today are the platforms for the name of Jesus to be on display. So, instead of praying them away, let us ask God to strengthen us so that Jesus will be glorified.


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