Pastor Ryan Kwon: ‘Life Is Short On This Side Of Heaven…So Live It Out With Purpose’

Resonate Movement Lead Pastor Ryan Kwon remarked in his message that “life is short on this side of heaven, so live it out with the purpose that the Lord is calling you into.”

Life is Short

People would have to face death. It’s the reality that every person must confront at some point in life. That’s why a popular quote from an anonymous person said, “You only live once, so do what makes you happy.” Regardless of age, race, religion, or status, it’s one of the things people would not argue about because death is sure to come. However, the timing of one’s departure from this world remains unknown.

Resonate Church [@resonatemovement]. Ryan Kwon. Instagram, 28 Apr. 2024,

Since time on earth is limited for everybody, people respond to this truth in various ways. Some may seek fleeting pleasures and material possessions, believing these experiences are exclusive to life on Earth. In contrast, those who adhere to the Christian faith invest their time in honoring and glorifying God.

A Message By Pastor Ryan Kwon

Pastor Ryan Kwon shared a Bible verse that has profoundly influenced his life. He is also deeply committed to dedicating his time to serving God.

“It’s found in Acts 16 where it says ‘when David fulfilled the purpose of his generation, he slept,’” he said. “And I really love that verse because it frames my short life here. And that it’s full of purpose, and that one day soon, and it’s getting sooner, as I get older, that I will sleep and be with Jesus forever and ever.”


For that reason, Pastor Ryan shared how he wanted his short days on earth to be full of purpose. Moreover, he remarked how knowing the “brevity of life” was such an “incredible blessing.”

“It gets me back on track in ways that I think that nothing else does,” he explained. “And so, for me to know that I’m here temporarily, and that I have a purpose to fulfill by God. And that the rest of my life I’ll spend in eternity with Him is incredibly motivational. For me to live day by day with purpose, and in love, and to spread the Gospel.”


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Header Image: Resonate Church [@resonatemovement]. Ryan Kwon. Instagram, 28 Apr. 2024,

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